A beginner’s guide to male Chastity play

Have you imagined yourself bound to someone where they literally have your sexual pleasure in their hands? Love the idea of giving control away and having your orgasms be at the will of someone other than yourself? If you have, you might like the idea of chastity play. While it is referred to as play, it is quite a commitment to look your genitalia up and only be released when your key holder decides, but that is also part of the allure for many. Here are a few helpful guidelines before you jump right in to locking up your junk and giving away the key.
Have you tried to abstain from orgasm for a period of time? No, not the few hours you may be at work or visiting a family member. Actually abstaining for a week or more? If you cannot stop touching yourself or engaging in sex for a week at a time, you may find it very difficult to be confined to a chastity device for this long. Practice self control for a week or two until you are confident that you can abstain before you go ahead with chastity play.
Another extremely important aspect is getting a device that fits well. To start off with you should look at a device that can be customized to fit. Cages that come with a variety of rings are the best options as that you can find a back ring that will fit you well. If the ring is too tight it can cut off circulation and cause harm. If the ring is too loose, it can rub and chafe and even slip off, which defeats the whole object. The more versatile and high quality device you can purchase the better. You may eventually want to purchase a custom made device which is made to fit your exact specifications, but this is quite costly and not necessary when you are first starting out with chastity play.
There are a few different styles available as well from cages, to tubes to full belts of various designs and shapes. Make sure you stick to products that are body safe, easy to clean and disinfect and that will last you for a period of time while you are getting used to wearing chastity devices. For people that travel often and do not want to have to explain themselves when going through the checkpoints, they may want to wear a non-metal device or carry the metal device with them, along with a time delay lock or similar to cage up when they reach their destination. Dated, numbered locks work quite well for this instance as well. Where possible, purchase the best quality device you can which will end up saving you money in the long run as well. No device is 100% secure and will not prevent orgasm for someone who is determined enough to try and achieve one, so there is still a measure of discipline and plenty honesty required for chastity play.
Make sure you groom well (cut short, not necessarily shaved or waxed) before the device is fitted and lube up while fitting to ensure everything goes in smoothly. Some people use the stocking method to put everything where it belongs and then remove the stocking through the urination hole. You can try a few different methods to figure out what works for you. Start off with only wearing the device for an hour or two to start with, moving up to a full day including sleeping in the device and all other activities you usually partake in. Then move up to two days, gradually increasing to a week at a time. This will also allow you to get used to urination and cleaning properly while wearing the device. You may also want to ensure your bladder is empty and even achieve orgasm (if allowed) before fitting and wearing the device for the first time and especially for the first time sleeping in the device as this will make it a bit easier for the first go.
Once you have bought a device, fitted it and worn it for a few days at a time without too much issue, you can try going a week wearing the device permanently before removing it so that you can have a good clean up and disinfect the device as well. After doing this for a couple of weeks, you may then be ready to hand over the keys and the control of your jewels to a key holder. Choosing a key holder is not a task to be taken lightly. You can choose to be your own key holder, posting yourself the key once a week or use time delay locks. You can look for an online key holder and build up some trust before handing over the keys. You can pay a dominatrix to hold your keys. Or if you have a partner, make sure you have the conversation around chastity play long before you lock yourself up and hand over the keys, just in case this is really not the kind of kink she would enjoy. As with any kink or fetish, consent is key! Keep it safe, sane and consensual at all times!
Check out the wide range of chastity devices available at toys4naughtyboys.